Leiy's blog





Using mobile phone to update my blog

Today I woke up at 2pm
Late leh ! :-P
Mum wait me 4 having our lunch sorry mami need u wait me until so late
I know u hungry:-(

4pm having my lunch at leisure mall wong kok
I ate a lot
Coz hungry .:-D

Ate until 5pm
Then v walk a while at there .
Brother saw a nike thing very nice
Den me n my mum follow him went to the shop n c it
It was beautiful , damn like it
But mum say gt a bite expensive so v din buy it

Accompany mum buy mooncake .
OMG ! Very cheap de lor
Still gt promotion tim
Mum bought many mooncake 4 all my auntie uncle

About 6pm
Went back lor
Having a dinner with my cousin them

Went to them house
Saw a new member in them house -- a golden dog
Name -- Mimi
It so cute

My auntie make many durian ice-cream
Ok lur
Not so delicious lar
Coz she 1st time make this
+ u lar
Hope next time will more delicious la

Is time 2 sleep
Goodnight every 1

