Leiy's blog




Merry Christmas ~

what Christmas would be boring ?
ya , i'm feel Christmas it was so boring ...
maybe because i'm not Christian , so i wun feel any special .

Christmas no christmas present => sien liao

morning , slept until abt 12 pm
had breakfast + lunch on 2 & 3 pm lo
ate at house lar, cause mum take away for us
thn , just sit infront computer lor

finally daddy back
thn prepared hang out lur =]
went to seri serdang there see got any nice shoes anot lo .
got lar , little bite only lar ..
20 % young person 1
another 80 % also old ladies 1

just only bought jor 3 pairs
1 normal slipper
2 pairs of high heel shoes ( not very high only lar )

but leh , my mum bought jor abt 6 pairs like tat ..
not so expensive only...
still got promotion arh ...
RM 35 gek , will drop until RM 30
just discount 5 dolar only... > <
ok lor , better din hv discount lar

after bought shoes
went to near shoes shop there gek restoran had our dinner
- 辣汤
nice arh .. i like it ..
so delicious , but got abit expensive lar..

let us damn angry is hor
i feel lar seri serdang gek ppl
really like sakai lor
say thing loud until my eardrum also can pecat arh .. = =
really very bising arh .!!!
my father still say seri serdang ppl is like tat gek , very bising 1

still got 1 let us more angry
outside no place to sit
thn we go inside aircond room sit lor
how do we know need pay more 2 dolar d wor
at aircond room ate need charge more 2 dolar ..
wa , thought the restoran very high class meh ? = =
sot sot de .. 1st time see got like tat gek restoran lor

service also not very good lor
aircond also not cool..

if need charge just say lar ...
suddenly charge us 2 dolar = =
LEBIH 1.. !!!!

only food nice only mar...
worker ham blang also LAN C LAN C 1... suck lar ..!!!

malaysia only got u this restoran only meh ? = =
LAN C sangat ...
No more next time will go there eat anymore ... =]

ok lar...that's all i wanna to share to your...
wish ur have a nice day =]

