Leiy's blog




25.11.10 Hang Out with my stupid daddy YIKES ♥ ...

Yo , finally can hang out with my stupid daddy Yikes ♥

Acc she bought slipper..
actually she wanna bought got elephant logo gek slipper
but we cant found ..
so she bought PADINI d lor..

thn went to pavilion
ate dessert + ate snowflake

dessert => shimino ♥
snowflake => sea amber ♥

we wait until 3 pm
went to starhill had our TEATIME ..

back ts
its was raining ..
but not heavy lar.. > <

back ts also dun knw wan do what... = =
actually wan play bowling gek
but yikes din wear socks
thn lazy go buy socks
thn dun wan play liao
went to HIBURAN KELUARGA there play basketball

hiburan keluarga can say is dinding place lar..

yikes play basketball
play until addiction .. = =
haiz... she very " geng " d lar..
"geng " until i also dun knw how to describe arh...

play jor RM 7
thn tired liao
go yam cha
today hang out with her
i can say yikes very leng luii this word to describe her ..
haha xD
= . =

back lurr..
my mum fetch yikes back..
today had a fun + happy + tension day with her > < ♥

Let's see our pictures ♥

yikes say take it to eat very difficult
then we just open it to eat..see like very ugly leh... > <

